create The best facebook ads using these top tips
Advertising successfully with the best Facebook ads can be the difference between blue skies and black clouds.
Blue skies and you’re making bank, selling like crazy in your eCommerce store or growing your sales team to deal with more leads than you’ve ever had before.
Black clouds and you’re resenting even opening the damned Facebook app on your phone – cursing your competition who seem to be flourishing while you’re eating dirt in a ditch.
This guide will help you transform your failing social media advertising into a success story.
A bright blue sky and a breath of fresh air for your business.
Of course, if you’d prefer not to attempt this yourself, speak with a Facebook Ad Agency like us to get the results you’re craving…
Secrets To Success With Facebook Ads
We break down the three phases you should use to create great Facebook ads for your business.
Each phase will introduce some fundamentals and include some more advanced tips to push your advertising performance to the next level.
TV Ads vs Social Media Ads – The Important Lesson
Early advertisers discovered that TV style ads don’t work very well on Social Media. Here’s why: Ads designed for TV use a different pacing and style of story telling.
TV ads start slowly with an intro, then have a lead in before they presented the hook/benefit. After the benefits the ad would announce an offer and close by reinforcing the brand.
Effective advertising for Facebook is different.
Instead of copying the format TV follows, the most successful Facebook video Ads format follows this style:
Advanced Tip
No matter if you’re using video ads or plain text, the best Facebook™ Ads have the same ingredients. High interest early with a great hook/benefit before you connect with your ad copy. Then make your offer and extend with relevant information. That’s a repeatable formula to follow.
There are 15 Million monthly active Australian users on Facebook.
1 in 2 AUSSIES USE Facebook on a daily basis.
Your First Two Facebook Ad Campaigns
Every great Facebook Ad Account has these two campaigns in common. An ‘Interests’ campaign and a ‘Retargeting’ campaign.
Before I dive into this a little further, this is not about campaign objectives. I cover campaign objectives in the next section. This section is about campaign strategy.
Your #1 objective for advertising will be to create leads or sales. You have two types of visitors.
People who know about you.
People who don’t.
Your most important campaign/s will focus on the people who DO NOT know about you. It is here that you win the war, so to speak.
We call this ‘interest-based targeting’ and it is generally used at the top of the sales funnel. That means, casting a wider net and generating interest in your products and service from your target audience.
When choosing to use interest-based targeting you’ll create what Facebook calls a ‘saved audience’. This is your target audience which you can customise by adding people to it based on their interests.
Interests vary greatly and can be broad or specific. For example, people who are interested in ‘Physical Fitness’ (10M people) vs people who are interested in ‘Anytime Fitness’ (1M people).
Your most profitable campaign/s will focus on the people who DO know about you. It’s here that you create your highest return on investment which positively affects your overall account conversion values and return on investment.
This is best known as re-targeting or re-marketing. Re-targeting is where someone who has interacted with your website at an earlier date, sees your ads.
People who are already familiar with your brand will be much more likely to purchase from you. That’s why this audience will be the most profitable. Its how you’ll get the best ROI from social media.
However, it’s essential that new people discover your brand. Which is why your interest-based campaigns are so important to get right.
Facebook provides a free tool for all advertisers who use their platform called ‘Audience Insights’.
This tool can be found in your business manager account. Here you can discover more interests and how different interests are connected to each other.
Using the Audience Insights tool is also very handy to see how people with different interests interact with Facebook ads.
Understanding how to strategically plan your ads and how to use the Facebook(TM) platform in a cohesive way will help you formulate a winning strategy.
Choosing the Best Facebook Ad Campaign Objective
Every Facebook advertising campaign you create will have a different purpose and form part of your strategy.
In order to maximise your results, you want to choose Facebook campaign objectives that will help you achieve your goals.
Each objective option has different pro’s and con’s, so take the time to work out what is important for your campaign.
For example: If you were to only create two campaigns or Ad types (one interest-based ad type and one retargeting ad type) you might choose to use a ‘Traffic’ or ‘Lead Generation’ campaign objective and a ‘Conversions’ campaign objective.
Advanced Tip
Taking the time to plan out your campaigns before you create your ads will help you find success.
Consider all your interest-based options and your retargeting options. Then implement your ad strategy and optimise over time to improve your ads performance.
If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail.
Ad Content: Focus on high impact headlines and visuals.
Pay attention to the heat map.
These are the areas that viewers eyes will be drawn to first as they scroll through their news feed.
Your biggest opportunities are the ad image and the opening sentence in the main text area. Then the headline itself and the description which are both on the bottom of the ad. Finally the call to action button (cta button) which has different text options to choose from.
When creating those three components, make sure they are;
Benefit driven
Invoke curiosity
Aligned with your offer
In the main text area you have the opportunity to write a short novel… and maybe, just maybe you should.
We split test short and long copy all the time.
There’s no one rule to rule them all – so do both and see what works best for you.
Advanced Tip for ECommerce
Your product image shot should be the best possible image you can produce. Split test different image types such as the product on its own or while in use. Use a carousel style ad to show different angles/colours or a range of similar products.
Advanced Tip for Lead Generation
Empathy with your future customers goes a long way to building affinity and showing you really understand your customers pain points. Don’t shy away from a lot of text. If you write engaging and interesting copy in your ads and landing page, your ideal clients will read it and convert.
Always be split testing Ads.
If you’re unfamiliar with split testing, it’s simply where you create multiple ads that are different in one way or another.
Use a different image but keep the rest of the ad the same.
Use a different headline but keep the rest of the ad the same.
Use a completely different ad to the first.
This way, you can discover your best Facebook ad combinations using different components which will drive down your conversion costs and improve your return on investment.
Overall, eye catching ads normally win in a split test, so don’t be shy in testing your creative.
Social proof directly from ads that have high levels of engagement can also help your ads perform.
If you’re not currently getting the conversions you’re after, check out 3 reasons why your Facebook Ads conversion rate might be so low.
Advanced Tip
Most people know about split testing ads but rarely do they split test audiences. This can help reduce ad spend waste while boosting your return on investment.
If you’re in it for the long haul, spending a little extra on split testing will always be your best option. This is true for your ads as well as your landing pages.
The Best Facebook Ads have these in common:
- Effectively target their potential customers
- Choose the best campaign objectives suited to their goals
- Use high-quality Creative in all formats which include video, still images and text
- Follow best practises to format image and video sizes and shapes
- Customise ads for different placements (desktop, instagram, reels etc…)
- Have a clear benefit driven call-to-action
- Split test ads to ensure continuous improvement in results
- Run both top of funnel and bottom of funnel campaigns
- Use highly relevant landing pages and sales pages to assist conversions
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